Feeding a person satisfies their hunger once,
but education feeds them for a lifetime.

humans have access to the
opportunities and support
they need to succeed

mobilizing resources and
delivering them to those
in need

power to create change. We
believe in doing the right
thing under all circumstances

Coimbatore Institute of Technology
Soliton Technologies

Thiyagaraja Engineering College, Madurai
Tamil Nadu

Tech Mahindra

College of Engineering

Rajalakshmi Engineering College
Donations are tax exempted under 80G. Transform a life today
Vidiyal means the beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favourable. So is what Vidiyal foundation has been doing all long. It is a humbling experience to be a miniscule part of what Vidiyal team does! Vidiyal team, you are the angels committed to giving and helping and making the world a better place to live in for many! Wholeheartedly, I appreciate your time and effort towards helping others.

I am very privileged to have been associated with Vidiyal right from it early days and I can vouch that every paisa of your hard earned money would be used for making a difference. I have known the key people for long time and can vouch for their selflessness

Dinesh K
I have had the pleasure of working with Vidiyal for the past 6 years and counting. The most important reason for my association with Vidiyal was our common goal of opportunity for deserving children who have been dealt a bad hand in life. Balaji has been a great representative for this cause and from day 1 to this day, has stood for transparency and honesty. He has allowed nothing to come in between Vidiyal and the end goal of education for the deserving. This is one quality that has always enticed me to this organization. Another unique feature with Vidiyal has been the zero overhead. Every single rupee that has been donated thus far has reached the intended target. Most organizations, in spite of the best of intentions encounter administrative costs and operational excesses. In all my transactions with Vidiyal, my donations have always reached the educational institution with zero overhead. If you are a donor, you can rest assured that your experience will be top notch and that your donations go exactly where it’s supposed to go – tomorrow’s upstanding citizen that needs some hand holding today.