Smt.Priya Ravi is one of the ex-coworker of the Vidiyal founders and has long term association as a donor. She has also interest in extending help through many of her other known social work channels especially her residence community and friends circles. Naturally, Charity began at home for Master R.Srehari,who is studying in 10th std in a private school in Chennai

Impressed and Motivated by her mother’s foot prints based on the empathy for the woes and concerns of the underprivileged society; Srehari got cues for service orientation in the society.Srehari’s curiosity and empathy for persons of his age group among the underprivileged made to understand that many teenagers/youths are growing under non-supportive parenting/negative environment too.

His concerns for underprivileged got booster shot by his celebrated cinema Superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s role in movie by name ‘Master’;  A feature film Wherein the hero tries hard to emancipate teenagers who had taken to substance abuse, some loosing their precious life and some are unknwoingly causing great harm to the society by their substance abuse disorders/addictions.

Followed up by the above, Srehari decided to have a much focussed understanding on the issue of teenagers and youths getting to the path of substance abuse. His understanding focus encompassed not only drugs abuse but also items of news reports and social media videos showing teenagers getting attracted towards cannabis and boys & girls in school uniforms consuming alcohol/tobacco.

Relying  on his  web- based knowledge, Srehari felt that major forms of support given by various governmental and international agencies are on drug abuse disorders and for addicted individuals rather than on educating and creating awareness on the vulnerable  sections of the society. Srehari wanted to do his bit to contribute to underprivileged persons of his age group, in the much needed area of awareness on substance abuse prevention.

Initially Srehari took baby steps and organised  awareness campaigns on his own  in the local  communities and campagined for prevention of substance abuse among teenagers/youths.

The Campaigning had two things on focus:

a) creating awareness on substance abuse consequences,

b) creating awareness to face the challenges arising out of environmental and individual factors leading to substance abuse.

Found that the response to the campaign is encouraging, as many teenagers got interested and were showing keen interest in participation and getting to know about the factors and consequences.

Srehari also planned to reach out to a larger mass of teenagers and youths in the upcoming days. Planning to arrange experts talk as a campaigns tool in schools and colleges. Planning to create a group of mission volunteers etc to spread out the campaign as much as possible.

Would you like to become ambassador against substance abuse

Come let us join together creating awareness among teens and make a better tomorrow.

Contact us:

E-mail : srehariravikumar@gmail.com

Mobile : 7200138358